Sunday, November 2, 2008

DA'S - President Bankhead - Introduction

Hi family,
I have wanted to see if we can all participate in a family study of the DA's (Doctrinal Approaches). Tonight Charity & Chris were over and Charity thought we could do it through a blog. What I hope everybody will do is read through the DA's and scriptures and look for:
1 - Doctrines
2 - Principles
3 - Ideas
4 - Concepts
then post these thoughts relating to the scriptures. Please reference the scripture and verse you are commenting on and also include your name.

I also encourage you to list other relevant scriptures to the DA's. I also invite questions and comments on those questions. The one over riding caution is that we stick to doctrine and words from the scriptures and prophets as opposed to speculation and "private pipeline" revelation. This is "revelation" that is quoted or misquoted from what a general authority reportedly said when that may not have been the intent. Recently remarks by Boyd K Packer that he supposedly gave in his home ward Sacrament Meeting got out on the internet. Our Bishop received a letter from Elder Packer's office telling him that he was misquoted. We were told by our Bishop (Dyer) that this is not the way of the Lord, that if we wanted to know the Brethren's mind, go to the General Conference Report.

I will post other DA's from President Bankheads book Building Faith In Christ With The Book of Mormon. In time we can add other DA's.

In time, we will se if we can put them in a final printed form appropriate for putting in a notebook to be used as a great resource for you and your family.

What a blessing we have to live in this age where we can share our thoughts and testimonies in this way.

Any suggestions as we go along are appreciated.

Love, Dad

SB (Sanctified by Blood) A Saint is one who has been sanctified by the blood of Christ

The word saint comes from the same root as sanctify and sanctification. Thus a Saint is one who has been sanctified by Christ. In antiquity, as now, all members of the Church of Jesus Christ were addressed as Saints. That is because it was--and is--assumed that, when they were baptized, they had believed and repented fully and were therefore sanctified.
The scriptures speak of two types of sanctification. One is sactification by the Spirit. When we are born again and receive the new Spirit (the gift of the Holy Ghost), we are regenerated or made over into new creatures--least, this process begins. This is possible only because of the atonement of Christ. In a sense the Spirit sanctifies us because the old wicked spirit of the carnal man is "rooted out of [our] breast." (Alma 22:15). Now we are less disposed to do evil, but there is still the problem of satisfying the demands of the law for the sins we have committed. As soon as a sin committed, it becomes a part of the past which must be accounted for. In the present, we may be better. We may never commit that sin again. But no amount of good deeds satisfy the law for the evil deeds that have been committed. This is where sanctification by blood, the blood of Christ, comes in. It pays for the past in the case of the truly penitent. Sanctification by the Spirit and by the blood work hand in hand to purify and redeem our souls.
3rd Nephi 27:19
1st Nephi 12:10, 11
Mosiah 3:11-15
Alma 5:21,27
Alma 13:11
Alma 21:9
Alma 34:8-13, 36
Moroni 10:33
Moses 6:60